
Gardening the Soul, Part 6

Are We Truly Hearing God's Voice?

Isaiah has directed the thirsty to "come”, “listen", and now, to "forsake.” 

Let the wicked forsake his way,
  and the evil man his thoughts.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
  neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, 
  so are my ways higher than your ways
  and my thoughts than your thoughts. Is.55:9,10

Pruning our corrupt thoughts and ways as we embrace God's infinitely higher thoughts and ways is the final step—and the step that shows that we are drinking from God’s word.

There is a close connection between hearing and doing in the Bible—the New Testament word for "hear" is often translated "obey.” But many of us are content to adopt God’s thoughts with incorporating them into our ways. When workers at a U.S. corporation were surveyed, they reported that their lives were "too crowded, their time with their children too limited." Furthermore they wanted "extra time at home."  Attempting to help employees balance work and home, this family-friendly company offered part-time, "flexplace" (working at home), and "flextime" (choosing when they would start their day) work. And new mothers were allowed to work part-time but retain full-time benefits. What was the result? Flextime was the only policy that workers used significantly. It's one thing to say you want more family time; it is quite another to act on that idea.

What thoughts is God asking you to translate into “ways”?

Ø  Has God revealed a selfish attitude toward your leisure? Then begin practicing his higher ways by inviting a lonely neighbor for dinner or by mentoring a fatherless child.

Ø  Has God reminded you that a friend is in pain? Then call her today to offer some comfort.
Ø  Has God reminded you that your ways have not included any regular fellowship with him? Then change the pattern of your days to include him.
Ø  Has God reminded you that you and your wife need regular time without the kids? Then hire a weekly babysitter for you and your wife’s date night.

Your auditory canals are clogged if God’s thoughts are not also transforming your ways. 

As I reflect on my own watering habits, I am humbled by how frequently I fail to water my own life adequately. I expend great effort hauling buckets of water to thirsty people, but don't see my own arid places. Today as I labored over these words, asking God to help me deliver these critical truths, I stopped dipping my bucket long enough to let the waters become still. As I gazed into those calmed waters I saw my own reflection – I have been complaining too much about my ailing body. Listening to God is an art that requires practice -- and we stumble frequently as we tune our ears to God's frequency.